Angela Hill
NATRE Director
REtoday Editor
Angela Hill, National RE Adviser & Editor of REtoday Magazine
Angela joined RE Today in 2018 with over a decade’s experience of teaching and leading RE and a background in financial services. As well as serving in several middle leadership roles, including Head of RE and Head of Year 12, she was a Lead Practitioner for RE, supporting secondary schools across 5 local authorities. As Project Officer at Wales’ longest-established educational charity, the Council for Education in World Citizenship (CEWC), Angela undertook a major successful national project working with primary and secondary schools, and across a variety of subject areas, to enhance children and young people’s thinking skills and literacy through Philosophy for Children.
Angela has extensive experience as a GCSE RS examiner, and has worked with exam boards in England and Wales to provide consultancy, resources and to lead professional development for teachers.
As well as editing REtoday Magazine, Angela works with primary and secondary schools, Academy Trusts, SACREs and dioceses. She has written and edited RE Today publications, authored student-facing online resources for the BBC and provides well-received training and consultancy packages for a wide range of clients.