Helen Sheehan
Senior Lecturer - Initial Teacher Education
Sheffield Hallam University
Helen has worked in the RE community for over 25 years. She started her career as a secondary RE teacher in schools in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire before moving to work in higher education. For over 15 years Helen has worked at Sheffield Hallam University leading the secondary RE PGCE course and, in recent years, also leading on the primary RE provision for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Helen has contributed to other ITE programmes over the years including the Teach First secondary RE programme with which she is currently involved. Helen has published an edited volume about mentoring beginning RE teachers and is currently vice-chair of Sheffield SACRE.
You can follow her on Twitter: @lincshelen
What do you love about RE?
'I love the endless possibilities that come with being an RE teacher. There is always something new to learn, always a new way to look at something and always something new to try. I think we add something to the curriculum that our pupils don't necessarily encounter elsewhere and we provide them with knowledge and an understanding of the world that will help prepare them for the challenges of adult life.'
What do you love about NATRE?
'I have been a member of NATRE since I joined during my PGCE year in 1997! I am a passionate advocate for the association, urging all the secondary ITE students I work with to join, making sure primary ITE students know of the support that it can offer to an RE coordinator and recommending resources to colleagues in schools. I love the sense of community that comes through engaging with NATRE and believe RE teachers and coordinators, who so often work in isolated contexts, need the support it provides.'