Linda Whitworth
Consultant – Initial Teacher Education
Professional REflection
Linda began her career in RE as a secondary teacher, then moved to the middle school age group, before becoming an initial teacher educator for primary and secondary routes at Middlesex University. She has been involved in undergraduate and postgraduate routes, School Direct, and SCITT teaching, in particular developing Primary Religious and Worldviews both as a single subject and through interdisciplinary humanities learning. After 25 years at Middlesex she is now semi-retired, but still works with NASBTT, Middlesex University, and RE organisations to support primary RE. She is currently co-editor of the Professional Reflection section in RE Today and a founder member of Humanities 2020. She has co-authored chapters in the upcoming publication Elton-Chalcraft (2024) Teaching Religious Education Creatively (2nd edition)
Why is RE important to you?
‘I am passionate about the importance of Religion and Worldviews in the development of well-rounded pupils. I love the enthusiasm and understanding primary teachers and pupils can bring to the subject and how all can learn to become religious and cultural navigators. Our subject provides opportunities to understand complexity among individuals and communities and equips pupils with life-long knowledge and skills of self-understanding and empathy which are increasingly important in the 21st century.’
What do you love about NATRE?
‘NATRE has been part of my professional life since my PGCE training. As a teacher it was a lifeline to the community which is there to support R and W teachers. I always recommend beginner teachers to look at the materials available, talk to their subject co-ordinators about membership and look out for training opportunities locally, regionally and nationally. It is a driving force in the development of teachers and a powerful voice in taking the subject forward.’