Nicola Bonell
Primary School Teacher
St Mary's C of E Primary School
Nicola is a Primary School teacher in Cornwall, where I have been teaching for nearly 30 years. She has been a LTLRE Primary hub leader since 2012 which has involved holding local hub meetings, leading CPD, and helping local teachers with the teaching and learning of RE in their settings. More recently, Nicola has been seconded to work as a School-Based Lead for Truro Diocese (one day a week) which has involved delivering training and supporting Church schools with RE, Collective Worship, and preparation for SIAMs inspections.
You can follow her on Twitter: @nlbonell
What do you love about RE?
'RE is such an amazing subject as it can promote deep thinking skills, and encourage creativity whilst also enabling children to make connections with their own life.'
What do you love about NATRE?
'NATRE has played a huge role in my own RE journey as the lesson ideas and resources have always had a huge impact on the children I have taught. This has led to my love of teaching RE.'