Rachael Jackson-Royal

Exams and Higher Education Officer

King Edward VI High School for Girls

Rachael is a HoD of RE and a local group leader. She undertook her BA in Religious Studies at Kings College, University of London, and a Masters in Religious Studies at SOAS, University of London. In 2012 she completed a doctorate looking at teaching Religious Studies through thinking skills grounded in social constructivist theories of learning. She has been part of the REC qualifications committee, liaises with exam boards (serving on teacher’s consultation groups) and Ofqual over the GCSE and A level in RE, has written textbooks, writes a research update for each issue of Professional Reflection of RE today magazine, works with numerous academics and attends AULRE and TRSUK meetings. She is particularly interested in helping teachers to engage more with research and looking at how theories of learning could be embedded in RE lessons.

You can follow her on Twitter: @rroyal110

What do you love about RE?

'I have a real passion for showing how research, both in RE and in theories of learning, can be used to enrich the teaching of this subject. I think this can not only help teachers flourish but also can show how the subject is dynamic, relevant, and fascinating for children to learn about.’

Rachael Jackson Royal

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