Sally-Anne Brooman
RE and SIAMS Lead
St Peter and St Paul C.E. Primary, Scunthorpe
Sally has worked in education for over 20 years, working in church schools. She has spent the last 10 years as RE lead in her current school. During that time Sally has been a leading teacher for R.E. and, working alongside our peer leader schools, has supported colleagues in other schools and led CPD at our local SACRE conference. She is currently also working as an associate adviser for R.E. with the Diocese of Lincoln. Sally has recently been a part of an assessment pilot with teachers around the diocese and is currently working in a team, under the fabulous Gillian Georgiou, on the REC worldviews project. Sally has also been able to complete a Farmington Scholarship, an opportunity which she highly recommends.
You can follow her on Twitter: @MrsbdoesRE
What do you love about RE?
'I love the academic nature, diversity, and depth of R.E. Encouraging children to explore and make links with their own and others' understanding of the world is a wonderful thing. I love seeing children form and express their own opinions and ideas whilst taking into account the views of others. There is such potential for learning and exploring in so many different ways.'
What do you love about NATRE?
'NATRE does so much to support a community of passionate and enthusiastic R.E. leaders. They are at the forefront of promoting R.E. in schools and leaders for change within our subject. The resources, course, and termly magazines inspire and reignite passion for R.E. and they promote amazing co-operation within the R.E. community.'