Sarah Dennis
Religion and Worldviews lead
Chadsmead Primary Academy
Sarah is a Teaching Assistant and very much a non-specialist. She teaches Nursery to Year 6 every week as part of her school's PPA cycle. Sarah became Religion and Worldviews lead 5 years ago at her primary school in Lichfield.
Sarah started her role with a box of items, a locally agreed scheme, and very little knowledge or experience of RE: She has mentioned that she can’t remember ever being in an RE lesson at school. Over time in Sarah's role, she has started and led a local group for NATRE. Attended the National Symposium for Religion and Worldviews and from that experience she has rewritten her whole primary curriculum. Sarah is the networking chair for Religion and Worldviews for her academy chain. She is also in her first year of the Culham St Gabriel leadership course.
You can follow her on Twitter: @SarahDennis_RE
Why do you think RE is important?
'I didn’t think RE had anything to do with me as a person as I am not religious. Religion and Worldviews are everything for everyone. All worldviews matter and being engaged with others’ views in our world and our place in it is so important.'
What do you love about NATRE?
'A long time ago I remember an exec member said “No one is alone as an RE teacher.” For me, NATRE is so much more than a website of excellent resources and CPD. It is a community of passionate advocates for our subject. That community has transformed my teaching and as a result the children’s love for our subject.'