Art in Heaven 2015
Stories that change lives
The power of religion is often shared in stories: Think of stories of the Buddha, Krishna or Gandhi, Jesus’ parables, stories of Jacob or Moses, Guru Nanak or the Prophets of Islam (don’t picture them!). This theme asks you to choose one story from religion – ancient or modern – and show in your art work how it can make a difference to a person’s life today. Take the story of poor suffering Job, or of the Four Sights of Siddhartha in Buddhism, and think deeply to create a brilliant image of the story and its power. Can you use a non-religious story? Yes, but only if it has spiritual power. The best work here will link ancient and modern. Younger pupils may love this theme for the chance to do class project work, grand scale group entries, based on a shared story. Senior students may tackle a less well known example, bringing out true meanings in the art.
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