Art in Heaven 2018
Arthur (15)
The Minster School
“Religion has no place in the modern world”
My piece of artwork is based upon a quotation by a philosopher called Max Webber. He believed firmly that religion has no place in the modern world and therefore shouldn’t take up such a integral part in our society.
His views are shared by many people, religions and otherwise why agree that religion is an outdated, over complicated, over discussed phenomenon which shouldn’t be taken seriously by anyone. So, my piece of artwork depicts a robot being crucified. I will admit it, it does at first glance seem to be proclaiming the quotation rather than challenging it.
However, the piece is designed to represent my own (and I’m sure by many others) doubt, regarding the implications of a modern-day society. My piece focuses on the doubt generated by terrorism and religious fanatics, with outdated, but inarguably religious ideas. The robot depicts, and extremely famous religious scene or image pushed far into the future. This is meant to show that religion can in fact exist in a modern-day society and that Jesus’ crucifixion could, theoretically of happened anywhere in time, to the same effect.
The picture displays the doubt felt by modern Christians over their own faith and how it can fit to the fast-changing modern times, new discoveries and arguments led against it. As well as the inconceivable carelessness of a statement such as, “religion has no place in the modern world”. Religion has always been a part of our communities and is woven fundamentally m perhaps subtly in some places but fundamentally, never the less into the country we live in.
Yes, religion may have to change to become acceptable in the modern world. This I do not deny, but to exclude something which brings so much hope, to the lives of many, whether through foreign aid or a church community. Simply because it doesn’t “fit” with someone else’s idea of a “modern society” I believe is narrow minded and exclusivist. Both traits I am sure, which no one wishes to attribute to a modern society.