Spirited Poetry 2019
Where is God ?
Atheists, agnostics and believers in God might all respond to this by expressing their sense of the search for God or finding God. Where’s God? In your heart, in prayer, in the temple or the universe? Or is she hiding? Is he not there at all? Looking
for God, searching for him or her, matters: but how are we doing in finding God? Would you search with google or a ‘goddetector?
By prayer or by looking among the world’s suffering people? This popular ‘Art in Heaven’ theme produces great work where pupils use ideas from religions clearly: The Jewish Psalms 42 and 43 are where it starts.
God isWinner
Edward (Age 6)
Chartham Primary School
God is ...
God is in the plants
God is in the ground
I find God at the beach
God is a friend
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
Hide and Seek with GodWinner
Keywan (Age 8)
St Matthew's School
Hide and Seek With God
Dad, is God real because if She is where is She?
No son he is everywhere, He's a He, for goodness sake and He
doesn't have a key.
If God is everywhere, Dad, is He right next to me?
No son, I didn't mean that, I meant He's in heaven watching all over us.
Where's heaven, Dad?
Erm ... do you know where Grandpa went when he died?
He went to heaven.
Actually, Dad, do you know what heaven looks like?
No-one knows what heaven looks like and no-one will ever know .
So I'll never know what heaven looks like, Dad?
Yes, we will never know what heaven looks like,
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
My Turn To Hide Winner
Niamh (Age 12)
Chesham Grammar School
My Turn To Hide
"I counted to ten, shouted "here I come!"
I searched in the kitchen,where could he be?
I checked the fridge,the cupboards and the washing machine,
But all I found was cheese,salt and pepper,
And a few of my sister's dirty sweaters,
Next was the bedroom, I looked all around,
I listened for movement, but there was no sound,
I tried the bathroom but alas no luck,
All i found was a rubber duck,
Head hanging low, I had given up,
When all of a sudden God said, "look up!"
I looked in the mirror and what did I see,
God was standing there beside me!
God would always be by my side,
I grinned and said, "It's my turn to hide."
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
The Boxing MatchWinner
Liam (Age 14)
Millburn Academy
The Boxing Match
"Welcome back everyone to the annual 'Does God exist?' boxing match.
In the red corner we have 'not real'
And in the blue corner we have...
Where is he?
There he is!
Sorry, we didn't know where he was... like most of the time.
Is Real is in the blue corner.
Is Real hits Not Real with a First Cause argument.
Not Real fights back with the powerful Big Bang Theory.
Is Real gets revenge with the question 'who made the universe?'
But Not Real strikes back with 'who made God?'
Well, I guess that's it for our annual boxing match.
Looks like it's ended in a tie.
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
Leyla (Age 6)
Parkhill Infants School
Diwali, is a festival of
light over darkness
and good over evil.
I see shining animals.
I see a rainbow of
fire works. I see happiness
and family all together.
God In My DanceWinner
Amand (Age 7)
Curwen Primary School
God In My Dance
When the music starts I feel free and happy
and the emotions that I have are so amzing and the suit
feels fluffy
and soft and some of the moves I do is pike and also straddle and
many more
When I dance I feel closer to God in every step I do
It's like he's always there in school
he is always supporting me
I am so lucky to have him in my life and in my heart
Hope In The DarknessWinner
Stuart (Age 11)
St Johns Church of England Primary School
Hope In The Darkness
I walk to see my hero die,
As tears gather in our collective eyes.
A broken Jesus holding a cross,
All hope in me was lost.
Whipped and beaten in thunder and lightning
I felt like a thousand angles lost their wings
Weak and trembling he got tied by his wrists
As he screamed in pain in the dark mist
He turned his head to see a weak and blonde man
He was a murderer and when caught,ran.
He did crimes and didn't care,
The punishment for this sinner was totally fair.
After that he turned to the right,
A guilty man full of fright.
Although his actions were sick and gross,
He was truly sorry and that's hat matters most.
Beside him two men. One evil one great,
They thought that forgiveness in them was way too late.
They were all going to their eternal rest,
Just then Jesus showed the hope in the darkness.
My God, Not YoursWinner
Derryn (Age 14)
Millburn Academy
My God, Not Yours
If your God is all powerful,
Why are so many people in the world suffering?
If your God is all loving,
Why is he your excuse to be hateful towards people who aren't like you?
If your God is all forgiving,
Would he really send people to the hot heaven for loving each other?
If your God is really there,
If your God really wants the best for us,
Why is so much going wrong?
My God isn't perfect,
But neither is yours,
He knows we all belong
My God tries to keep us all happy,
All safe,
And when he has his swansong,
The angels will come along
And finish what he couldn't.
The Lord Was Not In The FireWinner
Opefoluwa (Age 17)
Woldingham School
The Lord was not in the fire
In between thinly lit pages, skin grafts
of the divine woven together like
needlepoint stitch-work across time
under the squelch of my armpit as I sweat in a
room writing this poem, each keystroke stabbing the
tent of heaven, the distant noise of freedom like a wave.
During temple-kneeling, hands-folded, head-bowed,
genuflected perfect prayer. Back-whipping slitting
criticising pummelling worship. There is holiness in suffering.
I have always thought the most beautiful image in the
world is that of the priest with scriptured eyelids shut and
arms raised above his head coming to a mountain top in the
grasping of the Eucharist. how I have longed to photograph
that moment, to build a sweet tabernacle of immortalised memory
to cup in my own black hands (we are all as unthinking as Peter).
Perhaps he is in the silence.
Yes, he is in the silence.
Though in the silence I strain my ears,
listening, and hear nothing.
Where Is God?Winner
Jenny (Age 10)
Stopsley Community Primary School
Where Is God?
"Where is God on this planet?
Making people frantic,
I don't know his appearance,
So how am I meant to find him?
Muslims believe God can't be drawn
But if I was God that would make me forlorn,
the Hindu God has four faces,
Who all care for different cases.
God is the guard of heaven,
God is the guard of hell,
He protects the living
And watches over the dead.
Lots of people think God is brave,
But if he is so courageous
Why is he cowering away?
I've looked in the Church
I've looked in the Mosque,
I've looked everywhere but now I am lost!
Not physically, but mentally.
Maybe God is lost as well."
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