Spirited Poetry 2019
Mystery of life.
Bethan (Age 14)
Stratford Girl's Grammar School
I was born of nuclear fusion.
A compound of Hydrogen and Helium.
I was auroral and aglow,
An incandescence in the abyss,ablaze
Reduced to ashes and adrift
I floated through universes,
Abandoning fragments of myself,
On innumerable stars.
Particles settled and became dust
Collecting and forming planets
Creating and destroying
In spiritual synchrony
I became the earth and sky,
Mountains, valleys and oceans.
I became the very molecules of life
And the bonds holding it together
I am the cracks in a rock face
The carpets of forgotten forests
The depths of dark trenches
And the eminent sky
I am the laughter of newborns
And the anguish of grief
The cacophony of silence
And the betrayal of love
I am your bones and their strength
Your muscles and their power
Your brain and its logic
Your heart and its passion
I am you
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul COokson.
Tom (Age 12)
Sexey's School
There is a girl,
Looking for it,
The reason,
The meaning,
She searches far and wide
But always comes back empty-handed.
A teen by now,
She still searches,
She still seeks,
Over there!
A boy.
Looking at her,
Watching her,
They start to talk.
A spark is born,
An energy,
A connection.
Late twenties now,
Still together,still happy,
She asks, he agrees.
An old woman in age,
She no longer searches,
She no longer seeks,
For she has found it,
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
The Mystery of Life!Winner
Ava (Age 11)
Engayne Primary School
The Mystery of Life!
The mystery of life isn't really a mystery...
It's just a code waiting to be broken
an equation waiting to be mastered!
The real mystery is,how do we make the most of Life?
How do we squeeze every opportunity in?
How do we live with no regrets of the things we didn't do?
The answer is simple...
You have to know there will be ups and downs,
Going round and round.
Have laughing, have cringe
Have friends and have fun!
Because the mystery of life isn't really a mystery...
It's just a code waiting to be broken
an equation waiting to be mastered.
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
What is Our Present?Winner
Avneet (Age 6)
St Helen's School
What Is Our Present?
"Our present is a gift from God
without Him life would be odd.
Look after your body - it is your tool
Be healthy and work hard at school.
Our present is a gift from God
Without Him life would be odd.
Our family support us everyday
And friends we love for fun and play.
Our present is a gift from God.
Without Him life would be odd.
Our past we can learn from
And our future we must work on.
Our present is a gift from God
Without Him life must be odd.
Don't waste your time here
Take on every challenge and never fear!"
Click here to hear this poem read by guest judge Paul Cookson.
An Angel For A DayWinner
Raka (Age 14)
The Queen's School
An Angel For A Day
If I were an angel, I probably would
save the world and its people (if I could!)
I'd get a toolbox - on the wings of a prayer
And fix the hole in the ozone layer.
I'd collect all the money so I could be sure
That each of the rich had as much as the poor.
I'd make sure that all the quests for power
Would gradually lessen, diminishing by the hour.
I'd stop the countries who constantly fight
And make them see sense with all my might.
If I were an angel, I'd try to rescue
The world from its problems, solving a few!
Mysteries of Life!Winner
Flo (Age 12)
Sexey's School
Mysteries of Life!
"The mysteries of life
Can cut you like a knife
Fill your world with strife
And yet we pursue the answers.
Did God create the world
From darkness was it hurled
And then our world unfurled
And still we want the answers
What motivates us
To get on the bus
And leave our towns of lust
And Lord what are the answers.
And when we're feeling sad
When things get really bad
What makes us truly mad
Is that we don't know the answers.
What are our joys
As children play with toys
Talk of their little ploys
They don't know the answers.
The puzzles of the Earth
Not known for what its worth
The beauty of the hearth
When will we know the answers.
The mysteries of life
Can cut you like a knife
Fill your world with strife
Will we ever know the answers?"
Suffering Winner
Colin (Age 13)
St John's School
Suffering is life, suffering is us
Can we escape the cycle, or will we never be at rest?
Suffering is eternal,suffering without end
We have two eyes, yet we only see half the picture
Suffering lets us see, do we stop it
Suffering isn't bad,suffering may be for the greater good
Will you suffer in silence, or will you tell the world
Will you be remembered, or will you be forgotten
Suffering may be for good, will you ignore your own thoughts and be ignored
Suffering lets you stand out,suffering is good.
The Day The Bush BurnedWinner
Priya (Age 14)
Stratford Girls Grammar School
The Day The Bush Burned
I didn't believe it at first
I thought it was a curse
But then He spoke words so true
You all would be moved too
He gave me an order I couldn't refuse
Nor did I even want to
For as I cowered in fear,
He spoke words I wish we all could hear
It was more than just a sign
The great green bush alight
With colours of orange and red,
So fiery hot, the leaves were shred
But I was full of doubt still
My lack of faith was shameful
But then God made a stick into a snake
The sheer miracle making my hands shake
My own hands then turned white
Yet in seconds he had healed the blight
He did all this to prove
That what He spoke was true
So that day I left home
All the way to Egypt alone
But God was by my side
For the rest of my life
The Running RaceWinner
Tobias (Age 13)
The Duke Of York's Royal Military School
The Running Race
"Bang! And the race is off.
Many are sponsored already.
All against all.
Hell breaks loose
A few trip and end their race early.
Hurt and sad not to finish first.
Some, like me,pace themselves out.
Waiting hoping for the next drop out.
To get their place in the running ladder.
Others sprint ahead, like the hare.
But only to get passed by the tortoise, he is there.
With a bear.
Some form groups to knock others out.
Most segregate to their own race or pack.
Some don't like this and want to take revenge. But all is halted when the marshals are at hand.
Those who followed me in pacing themselves. Don't really know why the others did that. Maybe for the place.Or maybe something darker.
But we all rejoice at the end with laughter. For no one is first and we are all here together
Some stood with banners as we passed through the gate, some were cheering on the Nords shouting Valhalla.
Most hailing God. Some praising Allah.
A few restarted their race and re-entered to finish first place.
Some ran in with many clung to them for support. They were the most praised out of all.
But many didn't finish. So how could that be? That those that took part never broke the ribbon free."
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