What are NATRE-affiliated Local Groups?

There are over 340 local network groups across the UK, Hong Kong and Cyprus connecting over 2000 teachers and RE professionals. These groups are coordinated by the NATRE Local Groups officer, Saima Saleh, a member of the NATRE Executive.

The NATRE-affiliated groups come in different forms providing networking opportunities and engagement that is invaluable to teachers. The groups provide lesson ideas and solutions; help the RE network grow, share familiarity of the RE resources in the local area and provide opportunities to understand what is happening in the region and across the country.

Each local group is affiliated with NATRE which enables it to benefit from the support we can offer. We always welcome groups from across the globe and offer online support for networking, teaching and leading all key stages. Our aim is that every teacher of RE should have a NATRE- affiliated local group within 10 miles (or 30 minutes) of where they live or teach!

If you are teaching in a school outside the UK and would like to form a NATRE affiliated local group please contact our NATRE local groups officer, Saima Saleh direct via localgroups@natre.org.uk

Who are they run by?

Groups are run mostly by teachers wishing to meet to share good practice in RE and support one another but they are also facilitated by diocesan RE advisers, school improvements adviser, independent consultants, local SACRE advisers and university RS lecturers. Many of our groups in the South West, West of England, North West and North East are also part of the Learn Teach lead (LTLRE) Hubs network

Some groups are formed following a local or national conference or through participating in the RE Quality Mark achievement award.

The majority of teacher-led groups meet in the school of the group leader; other groups meet in a variety of locations from coffee shops to CPD centres.

How does NATRE support local groups?

Supported by NATRE with further support from RE Today Services and occasionally by SACREs or local trusts such as Culham St Gabriel's, local groups aim to open up the RE ‘world’ to class teachers, many of whom are non-specialists.

NATRE provides a termly newsletter for all affiliated group leaders to share with anyone who attends a NATRE affiliated local group meeting. Each newsletter includes national updates, news of local group activities, forthcoming courses, conferences, competitions and awards as well as reviews of new resources. It also includes an RE CPD ppt to share.

NATRE offers support by email, phone and postal mail for group leaders and their group members.

On our NATRE website you can read our Local Group News Board to read about stories and ideas for your local group meetings!

How do you become a NATRE affiliated group?

It’s simple – simply contact us to let us know you would like to affiliate your local group to NATRE. We will send you a registration form and then add you to our website and mailing list. There is no cost. All we ask is that you allocate a few minutes (or more!) of your meeting looking at the NATRE website, flagging up membership benefits and encouraging your teachers to consider school or personal NATRE membership.

Read how easy is it to set up a local group

Would you like to join an already existing local group in your area?

Just have a look at our local group map to find your nearest local group.

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