Often referred to as Islamic mysticism, Sufism can provide a different Islamic worldview than most pupils will have encountered. Using scripture and Sufi texts such as poetry and story this webinar will develop your knowledge and understanding of this worldview whilst at the same time providing you with lesson ideas and approaches that can be used to explore the richness of Sufism.
How can I ensure children are engaged in RE lessons? What strategies can I use to make sure pupils are inspired during RE? This session is packed full of ready-to-use ideas for anyone who wants to engage pupils more fully in RE sessions. There will be a focus on the Spirited Arts competition 2024. Perfect for all primary practitioners who teach RE including Early Career Teachers, Subject Leaders and Teaching Assistants; with a wide range of practical classroom ideas for primary RE, there is sure to be something for everyone.
Refresh your repertoires of teaching and learning strategies with this wide-ranging course, which will equip you with fresh classroom ideas and materials around some key current issues in the subject. Hear about the latest developments in the delivery of RE across the Key Stages. This wide-ranging course from Ian Nicholson will present fresh classroom ideas and materials to meet the needs of teachers of RE around some key current issues in the subject.
Depending on where you are teaching and the type of school you teach in, inspection arrangements differ. What types of questions might inspectors ask and how might you answer them? How can you show the quality of your provision and impact on pupil outcomes. OFSTED Inspections contain a subject interview for chosen subject and are designed to support the inspector to understand the quality of the whole curriculum on offer. This session will also support this type of interview.
Are you using Understanding Christianity in your school? Does your agreed syllabus teach through key concepts? This session is designed for anyone using Understanding Christianity to increase their subject knowledge on the concept of Salvation, use some of the resources and think about planning. This session is ideal for class teachers or anyone who wants to increase subject knowledge to support in the teaching of this concept.
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