The New Curriculum Leader for RE
A day course for new Heads of Departments/Curriculum Leaders who will begin their new position in September or for more experienced middle leaders. This course will give you the knowledge and confidence to be an effective and inspirational RE lead in your school. Explore the role of the subject leader, using practical activities to develop your understanding of RE and your leadership and management skills. Focus on planning a scheme of work using your locally agreed syllabus or faith community guidelines and effective and manageable monitoring and self-evaluation.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explore the middle leader's role in reviewing, developing and implementing a high-quality, impactful curriculum.
- Examine the importance of self-evaluation for middle leaders at all Key Stages.
- Understanding the current thinking in RE and how this will impact your role in shaping your school's RE curriculum.
Course details:
- Time: 9.30 AM - 3.30 PM
- Location: Online
- Trainer: Ian Nicholson
- Cost: £210 (NATRE members get 25% off)*
NATRE member discounts
*25% off for selected NATRE membership types. If you want to book this as your School Enhanced FREE course place, select the invoice payment method at the checkout!
HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION: We will use your information to fulfil your contract, including exercising our legitimate interest to keep you up-to-date with our products and services. For further details, please view our full privacy policy and your rights.