
We are delighted to welcome a wide range of exhibitors to Strictly RE 2018. You can find out more about them below. Be sure to visit their stands on the day for new products, special offers and freebies!


We are an independent education charity and the largest provider of academic qualifications taught in schools and colleges. We set and mark the papers for around half of all GCSEs and A-levels taken every year.
W: www.aqa.org.uk
T: 0800 197 7162
E: eos@aqa.org.uk

Bahá’í RE Services

Bahá’í RE is committed to supporting excellent RE in schools and colleges. We aim to provide good quality and engaging materials on the Bahá’í Faith for teachers and pupils.
W: re.bahai.org.uk
T: 0207 584 2566
E: opa-re@bahai.org.uk

Bible Society

Bible Society is an inter-denominational charity founded in 1804. We work to encourage and support the wider circulation, use and understanding of the Bible in a broad range of contexts, including schools in England and Wales.
W: www.biblesociety.org.uk
T: 01793 418222


CAFOD is the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Visit our stall to find RE resources for KS3 and GCSE Religious Education.
W: www.cafod.org.uk
T: 020 7733 7900
E: cafod@cafod.org.uk

Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge Assessment International Education is growing. More than 10,000 schools in over 160 countries are part of our Cambridge learning community. We are looking for committed, passionate individuals who share our values and believe in the importance of high quality education, to work with us as Assessment Specialists.
W: www.cambridgeinternational.org
T: 01223 553554


Visit the Collins stand to see how we’re helping you prepare students for the more challenging Religious Studies GCSEs with our engaging, content-rich Key Stage 3 Knowing Religion series, and how we’re ensuring your pupils have thorough exam preparation with our GCSE Religious Studies All-in-One Revision and Practice title.
W: www.collins.co.uk
T: 0844 576 8126
E: education@harpercollins.co.uk

Connectar Creative Education

Sushma Sahajpal runs Connectar, providing RE teachers with training, classroom resources and specially commissioned whole-school RE enrichment events. A Conference
speaker, workshop leader and published author with expert knowledge of the Dharmic (Indian) traditions, Sushma provides consultancy for RE syllabus reviews as well as Hindu faith expertise for organisations as diverse as the BBC, TrueTube and RE:Online.
W: www.connectar.co.uk
E: sushma_sahajpal@yahoo.co.uk

Culham St Gabriel's

Culham St Gabriel’s is an endowed charitable trust dedicated to educational work in support of religious education (RE). We are committed to excellence in religious education for all learners. We support teachers by helping them to offer the best, high-quality learning experiences in RE and spiritual and moral development. We also support work that promotes the links between school ethos, values, leadership and school improvement.
W: www.cstg.org.uk
T: 01865 612035
E: enquiries@cstg.org.uk

Discover Islam

Discover Islam EU is an educational organisation that helps to promote a better understanding of Islam to students, teachers and schools. Our services include organising Imam school visits, workshops, CPD’s, assemblies, interfaith panels/discussions, Mosque tours, RE Islam lesson plans/SOW and more for educational institutes across the UK and Ireland.
W: www.discoverislam.co.uk
T: 0207 471 8275
E: info@discoverislam.co.uk

Ethics online

Ethics Online make films for A level and GCSE that are detailed, precise and usable across exam boards. Each film has full background notes, novel teaching ideas and may be uploaded to your school server. Scholarly, engaging and acclaimed by teachers.

‘We need this level of support at the coal face and you are supplying it’ Richard Warden, Mill Hill School.

W: http://ethicsonline.co.uk/
T: 07968 056659
E: info@ethicsonline.co.uk


As part of WJEC, we pride ourselves on delivering a personal, tailored service to every teacher. Our dedicated Religious Studies subject team supports schools and colleges through all aspects of the delivery and assessment of our GCSEs and A levels, including providing access to a wealth of free classroom resources and comprehensive teacher training.
W: www.wjec.co.uk
T: 029 2026 5465
E: info@eduqas.co.uk

Global Learning Programme

The Global Learning Programme (GLP) is building a national network of like-minded schools, committed to equipping their pupils to make a positive contribution to a globalised world by helping their teachers to deliver effective teaching and learning about development and global issues at Key Stages 2 and 3.
W: glp.globaldimension.org.uk
T: 0844 372 2126
E: glp@pearson.com

Hodder Education

Hodder Education is a leading Religious Studies publisher, delivering high-quality print and digital resources designed to support both teachers and students. Our resources include student textbooks, study and revision guides, teaching and learning resources, magazines, and CPD events and webinars.
W: www.hoddereducation.co.uk
T: 0123 582 7720
E: educationenquiries@hodder.co.uk

Holocaust Educational Trust

The Holocaust Educational Trust was established in 1988. Our aim is to educate young people from every background about the Holocaust and the important lessons to be learned for today. The Trust works in schools, universities and in the community to raise awareness and understanding of the Holocaust, providing teacher training, an outreach programme for schools, teaching aids and resource material.
W: www.het.org.uk
T: 020 7222 6822

Humanists UK

Understanding Humanism provides free resources for teachers to help young people learn about humanist beliefs and values. We offer trained and accredited humanist school speakers, and we provide training to support teachers with their subject knowledge.
W: www.understandinghumanism.org.uk
T: 020 7324 3060
E: education@humanism.org.uk

ISKCON Educational Services

A dynamic and extraordinary way to experience Hinduism with ISKCON Educational services at Bhaktivednata Manor. For learners of every key stage, students, teachers and other professionals. A unique educational experience, offering workshops, guest speakers and educational visits.
W: www.iskconeducationalservices.org
T: 01923 859578
E: ies@krishnatemple.com

Jessica Kinglsey Publishers

Jessica Kinglsey Publishers is committed to publishing books that make a difference. We publish books for professionals and general readers in a range of subjects; including Religious Studies and Spiritual Development. We are well known for our long established lists on the autism spectrum, social work, and arts therapies.
W: www.jkp.com/uk
T: 020 7833 2307
E: hello@jkp.com

Lion Hudson

Lion Hudson is committed to publishing quality children’s literature which is true to the Christian faith. Our imprints are Lion Children’s Books and Candle Books.
W: www.lionhudson.com
T: 01865 302750
E: info@lionhudson.com


NATRE is the subject teacher association for RE professionals. We work to support those who teach and lead in all schools and institutions and at all stages of their career. NATRE provides a focal point for the concerns of RE professionals, a representative voice at national level for all who teach and lead in RE, and publications and courses to support professional development.
W: www.natre.org.uk
T: 0121 458 3313
E: admin@natre.org.uk


OCR is a leading UK awarding body. We provide qualifications which engage people of all ages and abilities at school, college, in work or through part-time learning programmes. Our general and vocational qualifications equip learners with the knowledge and skills they need for their future, helping them achieve their full potential.
W: www.ocr.org.uk
T: 01223 553998
E: general.qualifications@ocr.org.uk

Oxford University Press

Visit the Oxford stand to find out how our tried and trusted resources could support you at KS3, GCSE and A Level. See Kerboodle in action and ask one of our friendly team about our exciting new revision publishing.
W: www.oxfordsecondary.co.uk/re
T: 01536 452620
E: schools.enquiries.uk@oup.com

Pearson UK/Edexcel

Pearson is the UK's largest awarding organisation offering academic, vocational and work-based learning qualifications, including BTEC, Edexcel and LCCI. Edexcel’s world-class academic and general qualifications include GCSEs, A levels and International GCSEs as well as some vocational qualifications. Our qualifications combine a progressive approach with international content, allowing learners to achieve their full potential in today’s global economy.
W: qualifications.pearson.com
T: 020 7010 2164
E: TeachingReligiousStudies@pearson.com

RE Today Services

We work nationally and internationally to support RE in schools. We are committed to the teaching of the major world faiths and non-religious worldviews, and to an accurate and fair representation of their beliefs, values and practices in all our teaching materials. RE Today:

  • publishes teaching materials, including the termly magazine REtoday
  • offers CPD and consultancy services through its team of Advisers
  • delivers national and regional courses

Visit our stand to find out more and to redeem your £10 voucher.
W: www.retoday.org.uk
T: 0121 458 3313
E: admin@retoday.org.uk


SEND Magazine supports teaching professionals, carers and parents of children and young people with special educational needs & disability. Our editorial content covers the latest news, policies, products and services in SEND, making SEND Magazine a vital tool in the working life of those teaching and caring for children and young adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
W: www.sendmagazine.co.uk
T: 01455 642234
E: info@sendmagazine.co.uk

Solutions Not Sides

Our Solutions Not Sides Programme is designed to prepare students to make a positive, solutions-focused contribution to debates on Israel-Palestine. Solutions Not Sides focuses on direct student interaction with Israeli and Palestinian peace activists, and has delivered conflict resolution training, provided education, and facilitated discussion on the conflict in the UK and Western Europe since 2010, engaging thousands of students in the process.
W: www.solutionsnotsides.co.uk
T: 0208 004 6431
E: team@solutionsnotsides.co.uk

Superbook for Schools

Superbook for schools provides an exciting, immersive experience of the Bible, which helps to secure learning about biblical texts, and concepts of Christianity in a fun and engaging way. The free resources are designed for KS1 and KS2 RE lessons and Assemblies and include videos, activity worksheets and lesson plans.
W: www.superbookschools.org
T: 0300 561 0061
E: info@superbookschools.org

The Children’s Society

Holding a Christingle celebration for The Children’s Society is an amazing way to engage pupils in their RE learning, whilst making a real difference to the lives of vulnerable children in your community. Our Christingle resources for KS1, KS2 and KS3 pupils are written by our supporter Gillian Georgiou, RE Adviser for the Diocese of Lincoln.
W: www.childrenssociety.org.uk
T: 0300 303 7000
E: supportercare@childrenssociety.org.uk

The Jewish Museum London

The Jewish Museum’s award-winning schools workshops are designed for students to gain knowledge and understanding about Judaism as a living faith and as part of a long cultural and historical heritage. We inspire students to look at the world from a different point of view, encouraging them to use handling objects within our interactive workshops to support creative and critical thinking.
W: www.jewishmuseum.org.uk
T: 020 7284 7384
E: learning@jewishmuseum.org.uk

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum

So much more than a museum. With more than 20 years’ experience in Holocaust education, from KS2 and beyond, a visit promises to engage, inspire and challenge young minds. Explore the collections and memorial gardens, learn about the individuals affected and listen to the testimony of a Holocaust survivor.
W: www.nationalholocaustcentre.net
T: 01623 836627
E: office@holocaustcentre.net

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a living Church, representing Faith at the Heart of our Nation. 14,000 young people visit the Abbey annually on the Education Department’s programme of guided tours, workshops, self-led trails and special events for all key stages. With a rich tradition of Christian worship and over a thousand years of history, pupils will be inspired by a visit to Westminster Abbey.
W: www.westminster-abbey.org
T: 020 7222 5152
E: info@westminster-abbey.org

World Strides

WorldStrides is one of the world’s leading educational travel providers with 50 years of experience in arranging outstanding school tours. Each year more than 400,000 students travel with us to over 82 countries around the world. Why not let us help you plan your next school trip?
W: www.worldstrides.co.uk
T: 0800 093 0810
E: info@worldstrides.co.uk

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