Does your school want to celebrate its RE?

The RE Quality Mark is a subject award scheme, managed by the RE Council. Its aim is to celebrate good RE in all schools, and to be a mechanism for whole school improvement beyond religious education, since its main focus is enhanced pedagogy.

REQM also helps with the dissemination of quality RE through local and national networking, and provides a structure and framework for schools to develop and promote the subject, and its teachers. Materials for self-evaluation are freely available on the REQM website.

REQM award holders (please see the new map) have been contributing to several national and regional conferences this year, including the Learn Teach Lead RE conference in York, 'Strictly RE' (London) and 2020 RE in Crewe. Their presentations have shown clearly the positive impact of the process of the award on school and teacher development, and the benefits of achieving Bronze, Silver or Gold.

If NATRE members want to organise an event focused on REQM, or to hear from award holders themselves, they can contact, or Linda Rudge (project manager) on for further details. We're delighted that an increasing number of Gold Award schools now have teacher representatives as part of our experienced assessor team.

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