NATRE Primary Survey 2022 - Have your say!
NATRE is conducting this survey to obtain information about the current state of RE in all types of schools for Primary age children so that it can continue to support the teacher in the classroom by raising awareness of the impact of government policy on RE.
Please take a few minutes to answer as many of the questions below as you can. It could make all the difference. As our thank you to you for taking the time to complete this survey, you will receive £5 off RE Today publications, training or NATRE membership.
As an additional gift we would like to enter you into our free prize draw, where you will be in for a chance to win a FREE platinum membership for one year!
NATRE will treat your responses with complete and absolute confidentiality; no schools or teachers will be identified in any use NATRE makes of the information you provide.
Thank you for your ongoing support.