Christians and how to live: what would Jesus do?

In this unit pupils will learn about the four gospels, noting some of the similarities and differences between them. They will learn about the context of the gospels and the Christian tradition that Matthew, Mark and Luke wrote using eyewitness accounts to the life and teachings of Jesus whereas John used some different sources and includes long reflections on Jesus' teaching. They will learn about the differences between Jesus' direct teaching and his teaching through parables and other stories that he told. Pupils will talk about the meanings of different biblical texts and what they mean for Christians today. They will focus on what Christians believe the 'good news' of Jesus is, giving examples of the example of Jesus' behaviour that Christians try to follow. Pupils will also spend time discussing how Christian communities today act and how this is based on Jesus' teachings.

Learning Pathway / Lesson Plan

Knowledge Organiser

Sticky Knowledge

Assessment Sheet

Resource Sheet

Classroom Ready PowerPoints

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