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Brother Daniel Faivre: Learning from an Interfaith Man
Pamela Draycott interviews Brother Daniel to create a way forward for pupils who are learning about interfaith issues.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 14: Developing Writing
Argues that good writing is incredibly complex. Pupils must establish what they are writing for, what style to employ, who the reader is and how much to write. Good spelling and grammar are also essential to allow meaning to be clear.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 15: Using ICT
This unit considers not just the technical expertise to use certain computer programmes, but the capacity to select the appropriate programme for the task in hand.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 16: Leading in Learning
Leading in Learning refers to a systematic programme for teaching the five National Curriculum thinking skills. This unit argues for the importance of teaching thinking skills and the idea that these skills equip pupils for life.
£CALL Out of stockBuilding Bridges Between Science and Religion: The Work of the Faraday Institute
Dr Clare Redfern outlines the kind of support for RE teachers (as well as those who teach science and philosophy) that the Faraday Institute for Religion and Science in Cambridge can offer.
£CALL Out of stockBuilding Up to the Sky
Anne Krisman (REsource 21:2, Spring 1999). How RE could be taught so that it better engages with special schools.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 17: Developing Effective Learners
The aim of this unit is to develop pupils as independent, reflective and collaborative learners. Unit 17: Developing effective learners (2004). Generic guidance.
£CALL Out of stockBut I Love Elephants…
Jenny Earp is head of Coleshill CE Primary School, Buckinghamshire, and her spirituality week is a model for yours! In this article she shares the remarkable impact of a curriculum week concentrating on the human spirit.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 18 Improving the Climate for Learning
Focuses on how a positive and supportive classroom climate maximises pupil success. Such a climate is free from bullying, is fun yet orderly, is dynamic and enjoyable and is a space in which all pupils feel safe to try things out.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 19: Learning Styles
Unit 19: Learning styles (2004). Generic guidance.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 1: Structuring Learning
Establishes what is required of a successful lesson design, such as clarity of aims and engagement in learners. Unit 1: Structuring learning (2004). Generic guidance.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and learning in secondary schools - Unit 20
Unit 20: Classroom Management (2004). Generic guidance.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 2: Teaching Models
Establishes that a successful lesson contains discrete learning episodes, employs a variety of pedagogical techniques and contains opportunities for praise and reflection.
£CALL Out of stockCan You See the World from Your Window?
Case study: first thoughts on a pilot project funded by the TDA to develop good assessment practice. Completed by Ruth Price, Morpeth School, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, supported by Deborah Weston.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 3: Lesson Design for Lower Attainers
Focuses on effective teaching of pupils who make slow progress. Explores the ways appropriate pedagogies can support these pupils by addressing the skills they lack. Considers emotional/ behavioural as well as academic issues.
£CALL Out of stockPedagogy and Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools - Unit 4: Lesson Design for Inclusion
Focuses on pupils who run the risk of exclusion in the classroom. Ways of identifying and meeting their specific needs are considered, with the overall aim being their equal chance of success and belonging.
£CALL Out of stock