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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.
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An analysis of the provision for RE in Primary Schools – Autumn 2024
This is an analysis of the data gathered from a questionnaire on primary Religious Education (RE) in the summer term of 2024 conducted by the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE).
£CALL Out of stockBursaries appear to have boosted the number of trainee teachers of RE in England in 2024/5
Report and figures showing a rise in the number of teacher training in England.
£CALL Out of stockWho teaches RE in secondary schools? - Infographic
NATRE has collected ideas for addressing recruitment issues and has analysed data about different challenges around the country. This data has been presented in the form of an infographic. A report on the school census 2023 – published by DfE June 2024
£CALL Out of stockA review of the perfomance in RE - Report card 2023
Data collected and analysed from various sources including NATRE, Ofsted, DfE that indicate the strengths and weaknesses of RE provision in England in 2023.
£CALL Out of stockWhat do young Muslims value about life at the mosque? (RET 40.2)
PDF of article in REtoday Spring 2023: What do young Muslim people value about the life of the mosque? Survey responses to use in your classroom.
£CALL Out of stockNATRE primary survey 2022 infographic
Visual infographic - online research conducted by NATRE in the summer of 2022. Replies were received from 500 primary teachers in more than 60% of the local authority areas in England and Wales.
£CALL Out of stockNATRE Primary Survey 2022
Online research conducted by NATRE in the summer of 2022. Replies were received from 500 primary teachers in more than 60% of the local authority areas in England and Wales.
£CALL Out of stockDfE school census Nov 2021 published June 2022
A National Plan for Religious education is urgently needed as one in five schools report including no lessons of the subject on their timetables. NATRE SWF report enclosed.
£CALL Out of stockProud to be Muslim: sheet for teacher (RET 40.1)
Introductory sheet for the teacher about using responses from the British Muslim Youth Survey: extended document with responses to share in class is available as a separate pdf. Supports article in REtoday Autumn 2022: Proud to be a Muslim? Survey data to use in your classroom.
£CALL Out of stockSurvey: how do you celebrate Christmas?
Big Questions Big Answers vol 2: Investigating Worldviews. Survey from book section: 'How do people celebrate Christmas?' Survey sheet with questions that pupils might use to design a survey to ask a group of people (inc adults and children, Christians and non-Christians) about their own way of celebrating Christmas.
£CALL Out of stockSecondary Survey 2021 Infographic
This is an infographic relating to an analysis of the data gathered from a questionnaire on impact of government policy including accountability measures and the English Baccalaureate on Religious Education
£CALL Out of stockAn analysis of a survey of teachers on the impact of government policy on student opportunity to study GCSE RS
This is an analysis of the data gathered from a questionnaire on impact of government policy including accountability measures and the English Baccalaureate on Religious Education
£CALL Out of stockSchool workforce survey Nov 2020
Who teaches Religious Education to the nation’s secondary schools? A report from NATRE in response to the publication of the school workforce data for 2020.
£CALL Out of stockWhat influences my choice of clothing? Survey
Big Questions Big Answers vol 2: Investigating Worldviews. Resource 6.4: What influences my choice of clothing? Survey sheet. Supports Step 4 in Section 6 of the book (on p. 31).
£CALL Out of stockA level examination results 2019
Data to support the writing of examination reports
£CALL Out of stock