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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.
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6.4 Ahimsa: quotes from Hindu sacred text (ERW3)
Resource 6.4 from 'Exploring Hindu Worldviews' in the series 'Exploring Religion and Worldviews'. Sheet with six quotes from Hindu sacred texts in connection with the subject of ahimsa. Supports activity in Step 4 on p. 29.
£CALL Out of stockWorldviews: what are they and how can we teach them as well as religions?
Article from the REtoday Magazine - Worldviews: what are they and how can we teach them as well as religions?
£CALL Out of stockFreedom of religion or belief, in primary setting (RET 41.2)
PDF of the Professional REflection/Theory and practice article 'How might learning about freedom of religion or belief be explored in a primary setting?' by Rachel Buckby. From p. 66 of REtoday Spring 2024.
£CALL Out of stockUMUI Primary Vol 1: Resource 3.18 Hajj - ethical and moral issues
Understanding Muslims, Understanding Islam, Primary Volume 1 Unit 3: resource sheet 3.18. Age group: 9-11. Muslim interviewees reflect on issues surrounding Hajj in the twenty-first century. Lesson plans, background knowledge for teachers and further resources are provided in the primary Understanding Muslims, Understanding Islam packages available for purchase from the RE Today online shop.
£CALL Out of stockRE 4–7: 10 ideas for infant RE PPT (RET 42.2)
PPT for teachers to support the REtoday article 'How can we do better with 4–7s? Diversities and imaginations in RE' article by Lat Blaylock (Spring 2025 issue).
£CALL Out of stockBig Picture: Mikono Project PPT (RET 42.2)
PPT titled 'Mikono Crafts - A way for refugees in Nairobi, Kenya to make a living' which supports Lat Blaylock's Big Picture article in REtoday (Spring 2025 issue) 'Death and Resurrection in Kenya: the Mikono Project'. The PPT contains discussion and task ideas for the classroom, and images used by kind permission of the Jesuit Refugee Service.
£CALL Out of stockAn analysis of the provision for RE in Primary Schools – Autumn 2024
This is an analysis of the data gathered from a questionnaire on primary Religious Education (RE) in the summer term of 2024 conducted by the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE).
£CALL Out of stockYear 6 - Christians and how to live: what would Jesus do? – L6
This is lesson 6 from Year 6, Unit 37. In this unit pupils will learn about the four gospels, noting some of the similarities and differences between them. They will learn about the context of the gospels and the Christian tradition that Matthew, Mark and Luke wrote using eyewitness accounts to the life and teachings of Jesus whereas John used some different sources and includes long reflections on Jesus’ teaching. They will learn about the differences between Jesus’ direct teaching and his teaching through parables and other stories that he told. Pupils will talk about the meanings of different biblical texts and what they mean for Christians today. They will focus on what Christians believe the ‘good news’ of Jesus is, giving examples of the example of Jesus’ behaviour that Christians try to follow. Pupils will also spend time discussing how Christian communities today act and how this is based on Jesus’ teachings. This PowerPoint is a component of the RE Today Primary RE Curriculum, accessible exclusively to NATRE Primary and Cross Phase School Enhanced members.
£CALL Out of stockYear 3 - What do Christians learn from the Creation Story? – KO
This is the Knowledge Organiser from Year 3, Unit 23. This unit focuses on the stories of Creation and the Fall as two parts of the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible. Pupils familiarise themselves with the first Creation story from Genesis and key messages within it for many Christians about the world being good and how Christians are called to look after God’s world. They move on to think about the story of Adam and Eve and how the Fall fits into the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible. This Knowledge Organiser is part of the RE Today Primary RE Curriculum, accessible only to NATRE Primary School Enhanced members.
£CALL Out of stockHow I overcome barriers to participation in the RE classroom
How I teach resource series written by NATRE Executive. Joe Kinnaird
£CALL Out of stockHow I assess Religion and Worldviews in the Primary School
How I teach resource series written by NATRE Executive. Sarah Dennis - Primary HL/TA, RE Lead & Nicki Bonell - Primary Teacher, RE Lead.
£CALL Out of stockHow do Sikh people show their beliefs through action? PPT (ERW5)
Exploring Religion & Worldviews vol 5: Exploring Sikh Worldviews - PowerPoint presentation 'How do Sikh people show their beliefs through action?' to support Unit 4.
£CALL Out of stockWhich places are important to many Sikh people and why? PPT (ERW5)
Exploring Religion & Worldviews vol 5: Exploring Sikh Worldviews - PowerPoint presentation 'Which places are important to many Sikh people and why?' to support Unit 3.
£CALL Out of stockHow I assess Religion and Worldviews in the Primary School
How I teach resource series written by NATRE Executive. Sarah Dennis - Primary HL/TA, RE Lead & Nicki Bonell - Primary Teacher, RE Lead.
£CALL Out of stockHow I Teach… RE to children who are not yet reading and writing independently - Catriona Card
How I teach resource series
£CALL Out of stockHow I... would write about RE - Linda Whitworth
How I would write about RE - Linda Whitworth
£CALL Out of stock