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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.

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Complaints Protocol for Maintained Schools

Complaints Protocol for Maintained Schools

Complaints protocol for maintained schools 2013.

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Community Cohesion: Where Now For RE?

Community Cohesion: Where Now For RE?

This article by Dr Joyce Miller provides a useful guide through the complex field of 'community cohesion'.

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Coat–hangers and Clothes: Teaching Key Concepts Well

Coat–hangers and Clothes: Teaching Key Concepts Well

Judith Lowndes, inspector and adviser for RE in Hampshire, shares a way for 7–9 year olds to learn about holiness using the Hampshire local Agreed Syllabus 'Living Difference'.

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Clarifying Truth with SEN Pupils

Clarifying Truth with SEN Pupils

In this article Jenny Fox Eades describes how the story of Guru Nanak was explored with pupils of Park Lane Special School, Macclesfield.

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Citizenship Education and RE: Threat or Opportunity?

Citizenship Education and RE: Threat or Opportunity?

Geoff Teece (REsource 21:1, Autumn 1998)

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Christianity in Action

Christianity in Action

This article presents reflections on the Archbishop of York's Young Leaders Award from four students at Manor CE Academy School, York – Luke Mulligan and Anna Robinson (year 8) and Fiona Hallam and Rob Judson (year 10).

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Children Use Their Imagination for Spirituality

Children Use Their Imagination for Spirituality

John Hammond taught RE teachers for many years and co-wrote New Methods in RE Teaching: An Experiential Approach in 1990. He fires up our issue on the imagination with four Ss.

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Chapel and Labyrinth: Ritual Places and Ritual Activity at the Priory Academy LSST, Lincoln

Chapel and Labyrinth: Ritual Places and Ritual Activity at the Priory Academy LSST, Lincoln

The educative power of the physical environment of the school as well as the symbolic activities that mark the annual round.

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Certainty isn't a Sure Thing

Certainty isn't a Sure Thing

Karen Armstrong, writer in religions and TV presenter, argues that the real world is uncertain: to acknowledge our partiality and confusion is more realistic than rigid adherence to a particular point of view.

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Celebrations in the Early Years

Celebrations in the Early Years

Valerie Davies shares some real–life lessons on festivals for the 4–7s.

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Case Study: Investigating the Nature of Spirituality Through Art

Case Study: Investigating the Nature of Spirituality Through Art

Case study: developing a compelling learning experience by Cathy Lyall, Frome College.

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Case for Christian Values in Any School

Case for Christian Values in Any School

Neville Norcross argues for the place of values from the Christian faith in any school, developed through RE.

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Can You See the World from Your Window?

Can You See the World from Your Window?

Case study: first thoughts on a pilot project funded by the TDA to develop good assessment practice. Completed by Ruth Price, Morpeth School, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, supported by Deborah Weston.

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But I Love Elephants…

But I Love Elephants…

Jenny Earp is head of Coleshill CE Primary School, Buckinghamshire, and her spirituality week is a model for yours! In this article she shares the remarkable impact of a curriculum week concentrating on the human spirit.

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Bursaries 2013 – Dismay that RE is Not Included

Bursaries 2013 – Dismay that RE is Not Included

A response from NATRE to the DfE's announcement in October 2013 that bursaries and scholarships will not be available for those wanting to train to teach RE.

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Building Up to the Sky

Building Up to the Sky

Anne Krisman (REsource 21:2, Spring 1999). How RE could be taught so that it better engages with special schools.

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