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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.

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Antonia Rolls: Artist Extraordinaire

Antonia Rolls: Artist Extraordinaire

Antonia Rolls is a Christian artist, beloved of many teachers of RE. Her work has featured in both of REtoday's Picturing Jesus packs.

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Sally Elton Chalcroft reminds teachers that our mind-set matters. Every child of every race deserves a positive image.

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Andy and His Bag: Introducing World Religions at Key Stage 1

Andy and His Bag: Introducing World Religions at Key Stage 1

Helen Thacker (REsource 20:3, Summer 1998) – advice on how you could teach pupils about different religions through animated images of children.

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An Introduction to Spirited Play

An Introduction to Spirited Play

Stories are told in as simple a way as possible to enable children's imaginations to act upon the essences of the story and to make connections between the stories and their own experience.

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All–Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)

All–Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)

A description of the new APPG for RE and an invitation to teachers and others to contact their constituency MP with an invitation to join.

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Above and Beyond: Using ICT to Develop Pupils' Spirituality

Above and Beyond: Using ICT to Develop Pupils' Spirituality

Julian Stern (REsource 25:3, Summer 2003) looks at how spirituality can be expressed through computers.

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Academies and RE

Academies and RE

Statement from the DfE about the legal requirement for RE in academies

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A Wide Range of Religions in Rural Herefordshire

A Wide Range of Religions in Rural Herefordshire

This event report shows what a fearless approach to diversity can achieve, in a county some might think of as ‘white’. By Joyce Mackley.

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A Piece of Me: An Exploration of Identity Using Digital Photography

A Piece of Me: An Exploration of Identity Using Digital Photography

Case study: developing a compelling learning experience by Dave Bennett, Babington Community Technology College.

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A New Friend is Better than a Whole Box of Treasure

A New Friend is Better than a Whole Box of Treasure

Janet Jackson, from Holmes Chapel Primary School in Cheshire, compares values with her 5-year-old pupils. Lessons around the theme of a gift.

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A Muslim Response to John Hick

A Muslim Response to John Hick

Asaf Hussain (REsource 19:3, Summer 1997)

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A Guide to Specifications in GCSE RS (2009)

A Guide to Specifications in GCSE RS (2009)

Graham Langtree, RE Adviser to the county of Devon, provides a guide to the new GCSE specifications.

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A Group of High Achievers, MAGATs

A Group of High Achievers, MAGATs

Marilyn Bowles, AST and NATRE executive member from Willowbrook Primary School in Leicester, shares the experience of planning opportunities in RE for high–achieving and more able primary pupils.

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A Gift Revisited

A Gift Revisited

Julie Grove (REsource 28:1, Autumn 2005).

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A Christian Response to John Hick

A Christian Response to John Hick

Trevor Cooling (REsource 19:3, Summer 1997).

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A Child's Reflections

A Child's Reflections

Gill Johnson, of Oaklands Infant School in Cheshire, shares some ways her team have found of helping 4–7s to reflect for themselves in RE. A huge range of approaches, given time, can grow reflective RE.

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