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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.
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RE Assessing Pupils' Progress Assessment Guidelines
Using three assessment focuses to explore and explain achievement in RE
£CALL Out of stockNATRE #REchatUk Poster
This #REchatUK poster is for your staffroom, to help you to get others in your school involved in RE.
£CALL Out of stockSchool workforce survey updated
NATRE is working on your behalf, to press the government on their lack of action regarding the need for more subject specialists to teach RE. This resource shows the extent of the issue using data from the latest school workforce survey.
£CALL Out of stockWhat does it mean to be ... in 2008?
Case Study: first thoughts on a pilot project funded by the TDA to develop good assessment practice. Completed by Cory Cambridge, Woodbridge High School, London Borough of Redbridge, supported by Claire Clinton.
£CALL Out of stockLocal RE Groups: five years on?
Juliet Lyal, NATRE's Local Groups Officer, reflects on the number, distribution and work of the network of NATRE-affiliated local groups of teachers.
£CALL Out of stockIs Christianity the Only True Religion?
John Hick (REsource, volume 19 issue 3, summer 1997)
£CALL Out of stockTen Ideas for better classroom talk with 4 - 7s
'How can children understand the concept of God when it is so abstract?' John Hull proceeded to answer these questions using illustrations of conversations with small children.
£CALL Out of stockZacchaeus
Stories are told in as simple a way as possible to enable children’s imaginations to act upon the essences of the story and to make connections between the stories and their own experience.
£CALL Out of stockThe Widow's Offering
Stories are told in as simple a way as possible to enable children’s imaginations to act upon the essences of the story and to make connections between the stories and their own experience.
£CALL Out of stockThe Two Brothers
Stories are told in as simple a way as possible to enable children’s imaginations to act upon the essences of the story and to make connections between the stories and their own experience.
£CALL Out of stockPoem Frame for The Two Brothers
Stories are told in as simple a way as possible to enable children’s imaginations to act upon the essences of the story and to make connections between the stories and their own experience.
£CALL Out of stockThe moving image: exploring the spirit through digital video.
Anne Krisman (REsource volume 29 issue 1, autumn 2006
£CALL Out of stockMake the RE trip better: originality, creativity, inspiration
Ruth Meharg teaches RE at Formby High School. After a residential trip to the Samye Ling Buddhist monastery in Dumfries, her pupils concocted a formula for imaginative RE trips.
£CALL Out of stockLittle children, big questions. Teddy wonders: being puzzled is good in RE
Paul Newbould, who teaches infants in Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, takes the teddy on the class church visit to show that it's OK to be puzzled.
£CALL Out of stockLet's keep A level theological.
Michael Wilcockson is a principal A level examiner, author and head of department at Eton College. He offers a good lesson and an argument to show why RE at A level should be theological, not just philosophical.
£CALL Out of stockLearning through concepts, growing RE skills
Kath Bagley shares a process of enquiry that has enabled children in Hampshire to grow their RE skills over the last six years.
£CALL Out of stock