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Video conferencing in RE
Stephen Pett, Head of RE at Chosen Hill School in Gloucestershire, shares the challenge of using ICT for more effective RE at four rising levels.
£CALL Out of stockUsing technology to enhance RE teaching
This publication offers insight into how technology can be used by teachers of RE, highlighting opportunities to extend subject pedagogy and ICT skills.
£CALL Out of stockUsing self assessment to enhance primary pupils' thinking and learning in RE
Susan Davies, Deputy Headteacher at St John's Primary School in Welwyn Garden City, shares her experiences with self assessment.
£CALL Out of stockUsing iPods in RE
A short article on the potential for using iPods in RE by Paul Hopkins.
£CALL Out of stockTwelve top tips for NQTs in RE
Claire Parkinson offers some tips to help you survive your first year as an RE teacher. And if you’re past your first decade, read it anyway – would you agree with the tips, and do they still apply to you today?
£CALL Out of stockTriangulating RE INSET: effective support for a new agreed syllabus.
Julian Stern (REsource volume 24 issue 1, autumn 2001)
£CALL Out of stockTracing the trajectories of religious education: Vivienne Baumfield
Professor Vivienne Baumfield shares some first-fruits of 'Does RE work?', a project funded by the AHRC and teh ESRC.
£CALL Out of stockToledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools
These guidelines offer guidance on preparing curriculum for teaching about religions and beliefs, preferred procedures for assuring fairness in the development of curricula, and standards for how they could be implemented.
£CALL Out of stockThe twilight of atheism
Alister McGrath, Professor of Historical Theology, Oxford University, argues that, as atheism declines, new challenges emerge around the question 'What do we hope?.
£CALL Out of stockThe true value of Christmas
Julie Grove offers thoughts on approaching Christmas in RE.
£CALL Out of stockThe swirling hijab
In this article Kathy Bigio provides some specific and practical ways of working imaginatively in RE with 4 - 5- year-olds. Islam is often taught safely, but here children learn from Muslim dress in ways that are warm and wild.
£CALL Out of stockThe Stapleford Centre: a short history
In this article David Morton charts the history of The Stapleford Centre. Those of a nervous disposition are advised to skip the first paragraph . . .
£CALL Out of stockThe space between us is holy: interfaith issues in religious education.
Lat Blaylock (REsource volume 21 issue 2, spring 1999)
£CALL Out of stockThe Sacred world – a planet in crisis - this one!
Case study: developing a compelling learning experience by Simon Bennett, Tudor Grange School.
£CALL Out of stockThe Russett faith garden: holy space in the open air at a special school
Russett School, in Northwich, Cheshire, decided to enhance their RE provision and make opportunities for spiritual development by creating a faith garden.
£CALL Out of stockThe representation of Islam.
Sarah Smalley (REsource volume 28 issue 3, summer 2006)
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