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Jehovah's Witnesses in the RE classroom.
James Holt (RE source volume 26 issue 2, spring 2004)
£CALL Out of stockIslamic art for every child
Muslim artist and educator Razwan Ul-Haq responds to REtoday's questions about his work and perspective.
£CALL Out of stockIsaac speaks: 'Some Day!'
In this article Jane Brooke, RE Today sub editor and adviser in Cheshire, describes a way of working with the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac.
£CALL Out of stockInterfaith Week at Sir Thomas Boteler School
Assemblies are not RE, but they sometimes lead to good RE. See what happened when interfaith ideas got into the assembly programme in this Warrington School.
£CALL Out of stockInteractive and special RE for Special Schools
Is RE important in a Special School? How do you teach RE effectively in special schools? Four final-year students from the University of Cumbria undertaking a four-year Primary QTS degree specialising in RE offer their thoughts.
£CALL Out of stockInspiring the highest achievers: challenging young people who are gifted in RE
Dilwyn Hunt, RE adviser in Dudley LEA, summarises four great ways to challenge the gifted and talented pupil, tried and tested“ which are also adaptable for the mainstream.
£CALL Out of stockInsight from Sikhism
Don't just admire others, be a hero yourself. Manjit Kaur, a Sikh who teaches RE herself, offers information and ideas about Sikhism and heroism for the primary classroom.
£CALL Out of stockWrestling with RE
In a recent edition of REsource, an RE teacher, Mark Cocker, who was a trained opera singer sketched out some of the parallels between RE and opera.
£CALL Out of stockWhy ethics? Does it make challenging RE?
Farmington Fellow Jeanette Wade justifies RE's use of ethics, and shows you how to use Top Trumps for some religiously challenging lessons about heroism and inspiration.
£CALL Out of stockWho is Jesus? What are the key teachings of Jesus for Christians today?
First thoughts on a pilot project funded by the TDA to develop good assessment practice. Completed by Adele Rood of Seven Kings High School, London Borough of Redbridge, and supported by Claire Clinton.
£CALL Out of stockWhat goes wrong with interfaith dialogue and why it's worth fixing.
Dr Chris Hewer is the author of Understanding Islam: The First Ten Steps and Principal Consultant on the Understanding Islam distance learning programme in the Understanding Faiths series.
£CALL Out of stockVisual learning matters most in RE with 4 - 7s
Some schools struggle to find the pictures of Jewish, Muslim or Christian life that will enable learning and even when you have the pictures, some teachers are anxious about RE and not sure how to use them.
£CALL Out of stockTwelve top tips for NQTs in RE
Claire Parkinson offers some tips to help you survive your first year as an RE teacher. And if you’re past your first decade, read it anyway – would you agree with the tips, and do they still apply to you today?
£CALL Out of stockToledo Guiding Principles on Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools
These guidelines offer guidance on preparing curriculum for teaching about religions and beliefs, preferred procedures for assuring fairness in the development of curricula, and standards for how they could be implemented.
£CALL Out of stockThe swirling hijab
In this article Kathy Bigio provides some specific and practical ways of working imaginatively in RE with 4 - 5- year-olds. Islam is often taught safely, but here children learn from Muslim dress in ways that are warm and wild.
£CALL Out of stockThe Stapleford Centre: a short history
In this article David Morton charts the history of The Stapleford Centre. Those of a nervous disposition are advised to skip the first paragraph . . .
£CALL Out of stock