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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.
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RE at the heart of Community Cohesion
Neil Ruckman, education consultant for The Faith Works Trust at Spring Meadow Farm looks at how RE is at the heart of community cohesion.
£CALL Out of stockRE as a focus for improving teaching and learning in a special school
Tim O'Brien (REsource, volume 19 Issue 1, Autumn 1996)
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 3, Year 8
How do people express their spirituality through the creative arts?
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 3, Year 9
How can we answer questions about creation and origins? Learning from religion and science: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Humanism - Year 9
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 2, Year 3
Why do some people think Jesus is inspirational?
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 3, Year 7
How can beliefs and values serve as a guide for moral decision making? Part B: Communities
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 2, Year 6
How can beliefs and values serve as a guide for moral decision making? Part A: Individuals.
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 2, Year 5
What do places of worship teach us about religions?
£CALL Out of stockQCA Unit of work for Key Stage 2, Year 4
How and why do people celebrate religious festivals?
£CALL Out of stockQCA unit of work for Key Stage 1, Year 1.
Why do Hindus believe that everything belongs to God?
£CALL Out of stockPrimary RE with ICT: A pupil’s entitlement
ICT offers a range of powerful tools to help pupils to learn, and this document provides examples of how it supports, enhances and develops learning and teaching in religious education (RE).
£CALL Out of stockPrimary RE - identifying outstanding lessons
Jane Brooke outlines what an outstanding lesson in RE looks like in a primary school.
£CALL Out of stockReflection: a gift to the child
Julie Grove reflects on the methods of RE that give a non-religious gift to the child.
£CALL Out of stockThat's offensive. Perspectives on reliigious offence in advertising.
Reverend Canon Professor Martyn Percy is Principal of Ripon College, Oxford. He’s not scared of adverts that offend. Good job, because he used to chair the Advertising Standards Agency.
£CALL Out of stock