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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.

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A Child's Reflections

A Child's Reflections

Gill Johnson, of Oaklands Infant School in Cheshire, shares some ways her team have found of helping 4–7s to reflect for themselves in RE. A huge range of approaches, given time, can grow reflective RE.

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350th Anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer

REtoday likes controversy, so here Michael Brydon celebrates the Prayer Book, while Chris Boxley takes a different view.

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Primary RE - identifying outstanding lessons

Primary RE - identifying outstanding lessons

Jane Brooke outlines what an outstanding lesson in RE looks like in a primary school.

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10 Ways to Use a Digital Camera in the Teaching of RE

Somewhere in most schools, a number of digital cameras are sitting idle. Could they make a contribution to an RE lesson?

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10 Practical Ideas to Help a Child to Grow Through RE

This article provides 10 practical ideas for good RE. Good RE isn't finished until the pupils' capacity to reflect on their own attitudes and sense of identity or community has been supported.

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10 Ideas for Creative Assessment in Primary RE

Alison Brown, a member of the PCfRE Executive and RE Adviser to the Anglican Diocese of Derby, decodes the mysteries of assessing primary RE.

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Using photography as a conceptual enquiry stimulus

Using photography as a conceptual enquiry stimulus

Case Study: developing a compelling learning experience by Rebecca Costambeys, Costello Technology College.

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What Theology and Religious Studies graduates do after they graduate

What Theology and Religious Studies graduates do after they graduate

Those of you promoting the study of Religious Studies at A level or at degree level, may find this document useful.

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Voices of faith and belief in schools

Voices of faith and belief in schools

Guidance and a code of conduct.

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Using the 2013 Ofsted report to support RE

Using the 2013 Ofsted report to support RE

Guidance from NATRE on how to use the 2013 Ofsted Report 'religious education: realising the potential' to support RE.

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Transforming religious education Ofsted 2010 report

Transforming religious education Ofsted 2010 report

Ofsted's 2010 report on Religious Education based on research in 30 primary and 30 secondary schools over three years.

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Summary of REC AGM May 2014

Summary of REC AGM May 2014

The Religious Education of England and Wales held its 2014 Annual General Meeting in the Welsh Government Buildings in Cardiff on May 7th and were addressed by Huw Lewis, Minister for Education in Wales.

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Research Poster: Giving voice to 'the silent majority'

"Giving voice to ‘the silent minority’: the experience of religious students in secondary school religious education lessons" is a research poster based on research undertaken by Dan Moulin, doctoral researcher at Oxford University Department of Education, in 2011.

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Religious education guidance in English schools 2010

Religious education guidance in English schools 2010

Non-statutory guidance for RE in English schools, published January 2010. This guidance replaces Circular 1/94 with regard to guidance on RE. Pages 26 - 30 are of particular relevance to schools.

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RE and Collective Worship in Academies and Free Schools

RE and Collective Worship in Academies and Free Schools

A Q&A response from the DfE outlining the position with regard to RE and Collective Worship in Academies and Free Schools.

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