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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.
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How I... nurture RE leading and supporting colleagues - Naila Missous
How I teach resource series
£CALL Out of stockHow I... get the most out of NATRE REChatUK - Nikki McGee
How I teach resource series
£CALL Out of stockHow I help my students to review their knowledge throughout the GCSE course
How I teach resource series - Charlotte Newman, – Head of RPE & Diversity Lead Member of the NATRE executive.
£CALL Out of stockHow I develop my students' evaluation skills - Charlotte Newman
How I teach resource series
£CALL Out of stockGetting the most out of visits to places of worship KS1-KS2
A guide where it is explained how to get the most of school visits to places of worship.
£CALL Out of stockExploring Pilgrimage: supplementary article (RET 41.3)
PDF of article by Katie Freeman to supplement the 'North Stars' article in REtoday Summer 2024 issue about the BBC2 series 'Pilgrimage: The road through North Wales'. In this online-only article, Katie describes how the programme inspired learning in her RE lessons. It is supported by two online resource sheets, available for NATRE members to download: Exploring Pilgrimage Resource 1 and 2.
£CALL Out of stockExploring Pilgrimage: Resource 2 (RET 41.3)
Resource sheet 2 'Pilgrimage journey plan'. Accompanies Katie Freeman's online article 'Exploring Pilgrimage' (supports the 'North Stars' article in REtoday Summer 2024 about the BBC2 series 'Pilgrimage: the road through North Wales', with ideas about using the series in the RE classroom).
£CALL Out of stockExploring Pilgrimage: Resource 1 (RET 41.3)
Resource sheet 1 'Why do Christians call the day Jesus died "Good Friday"?' Accompanies Katie Freeman's online article 'Exploring Pilgrimage' (supports the 'North Stars' article in REtoday Summer 2024 about the BBC2 series 'Pilgrimage: the road through North Wales', with ideas about using the series in the RE classroom).
£CALL Out of stockUnstranslatable words: Can they help engage pupils in their learning?
Professional Reflection: Theory and Practice. Article written by Jane Yates, teacher and RE adviser in Cumbria.
£CALL Out of stockHow I plan opportunities for spiritual development
How I Teach Resource series - Written by Nicki Bonell, Primary Teacher and Member of the NATRE executive.
£CALL Out of stockWhat does the Japji mean for Sikh people? PPT (ERW5)
Exploring Religion & Worldviews vol 5: Exploring Sikh Worldviews - PowerPoint presentation 'What does the Japji mean for Sikh people and what does it say about the nature of the divine?' to support Unit 6.
£CALL Out of stock2.3 Writing frame with illustrations:Guru Nanak and the boulder (ERW5)
Resource 2.3 from 'Exploring Sikh Worldviews' in the 'Exploring Religion and Worldviews'. Writing frame with illustrations for the story: Guru Nanak and the boulder, for use with step 2 on p. 5 of the book. (2 pages)
£CALL Out of stock4.4 Vand Chhakna and Sarbhat da Bhalla in action, worksheet (ERW5)
Resource 4.4 from 'Exploring Sikh Worldviews' in the 'Exploring Religion and Worldviews'. Worksheet for pupils to complete in writing (to use with Step 3 on p. 15).
£CALL Out of stock4.5 Warmth bag, worksheet (ERW5)
Resource 4.5 from 'Exploring Sikh Worldviews' in the 'Exploring Religion and Worldviews'. A 'bag of warmth' worksheet for pupils to complete in writing (to use with Step 4 on p. 16).
£CALL Out of stock5.4 Mool Mantar (ERW5)
Resource 5.4 from 'Exploring Sikh Worldviews' in the 'Exploring Religion and Worldviews'. The Mool Mantar, for use with Step 5 on p. 23.
£CALL Out of stock5.5 Key vocabulary card sort (ERW5)
Resource 5.5 from 'Exploring Sikh Worldviews' in the 'Exploring Religion and Worldviews'. Key vocabulary card sort, out of the correct order (see 5.5 Answers to card sort for correct order). Supports Step 6 on p. 23.
£CALL Out of stock