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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.
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Noisy reflection: a Jewish approach
Reflection can be done in groups, says Clive Lawton, who lectures at the School of Oriental and African Studies. He is a member of the Shap Working Party on World Religions in Education.
£CALL Out of stockImpact of Government policy on GCSE RS
Two elements of government policy since 2010 have been described as having ‘unintended negative consequences for Religious Education’. The first of these was the English Baccalaureate introduced in 2010.
£CALL Out of stockImaginative guided fantasy
Julie Grove, who's a member of the REtoday editorial group, provides the tools and the rationale for some imaginative RE. She was, until recently, RE adviser in Solihull.
£CALL Out of stockImagining new energy for RE with 11 - 14 year olds - a day conference
Steph Carnell and Jane Lewis from the Diocese of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, share their experience of creating a concentrated RE experience as a way to deepen pupils' learning.
£CALL Out of stockIndoctrination, Education and God
This article is a summary of a Montgomery Trust lecture delivered for Christian Education by Professor Terence Copley in London on 6 May 2006.
£CALL Out of stockInsight from Sikhism
Don't just admire others, be a hero yourself. Manjit Kaur, a Sikh who teaches RE herself, offers information and ideas about Sikhism and heroism for the primary classroom.
£CALL Out of stockInspiring the highest achievers: challenging young people who are gifted in RE
Dilwyn Hunt, RE adviser in Dudley LEA, summarises four great ways to challenge the gifted and talented pupil, tried and tested“ which are also adaptable for the mainstream.
£CALL Out of stockInteractive and special RE for Special Schools
Is RE important in a Special School? How do you teach RE effectively in special schools? Four final-year students from the University of Cumbria undertaking a four-year Primary QTS degree specialising in RE offer their thoughts.
£CALL Out of stockInterfaith Week at Sir Thomas Boteler School
Assemblies are not RE, but they sometimes lead to good RE. See what happened when interfaith ideas got into the assembly programme in this Warrington School.
£CALL Out of stockIs Christianity the Only True Religion?
John Hick (REsource, volume 19 issue 3, summer 1997)
£CALL Out of stockIsaac speaks: 'Some Day!'
In this article Jane Brooke, RE Today sub editor and adviser in Cheshire, describes a way of working with the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac.
£CALL Out of stockIslamic art for every child
Muslim artist and educator Razwan Ul-Haq responds to REtoday's questions about his work and perspective.
£CALL Out of stockJehovah's Witnesses in the RE classroom.
James Holt (RE source volume 26 issue 2, spring 2004)
£CALL Out of stockJesus is our true mother: Julian of Norwich in your classroom
John Kirk of Chapel Road School, Attleborough, has used his Farmington Fellowship term to create a set of multimedia resources to get primary pupils thinking deeply.
£CALL Out of stockKeeping the Faith: The transmission of Sikhism among young British Sikhs
A research poster by Jasjit Singh.
£CALL Out of stockLearning from the goldsmith: prayer in the Sikh tradition.
Gopinder Kaur and W Owen Cole (REsource volume 26 issue 3, summer 2004).
£CALL Out of stock