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The documents published here reflect a wide range of approaches amongst RE teachers; and do not represent the personal view of the NATRE Executive.

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Promises, promises

Opening up RE: Promises - This presentation supports the activities on pages 2–7 of Opening up Promises

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Abigail gets Baptised

Opening up RE: Promises - This presentation with questions will help children learn about welcoming a baby in Christianity.

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Enquiring into Marriage

Opening up RE: Promises - This presentation supports an article on marriage from Opening up RE: Promises

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Resource sheet: marriage promises in Hinduism

Opening up RE: Promises - Resource sheet: marriage promises in Hinduism

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Resource sheet: marriage promises in Christianity

Opening up RE: Promises - Resource sheet: marriage promises in Christianity

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The widow's offering image

Opening up RE: Promises - The widow's offering image

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Who promises?

Opening up RE: Promises - An activity to discuss who makes promises.

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