10 ‘Praying with their legs’: what
do faith-based charities contribute
to modern Britain? A sociological
External links
- News report about charitable giving Third Sector (26 July 2013)
- The life of Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), Methodist Christian abolitionist and feminist who ‘prayed with his feet’
- Secularist response to reports that religious people are more generous
- USA ‘Philanthropy Roundtable’ summing up how American Christians practice charity
- Charities Aid Foundation report on charitable giving in 2014
- Midland Langar Sewa Society
- COATNET (Christian Organisations Against Trafficking)
- Emmaus (charity which helps homeless people)
- FARE (Family Action in Rogerfield and Easterhouse):
- Borderlands (welcoming asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol)
- Sarah Johnsen ‘Case Study 6: The role of faith-based organizations in service provision for homeless people’ in Linda Woodhead and Rebecca Catto (eds) Religion and Change in Modern Britain, Routledge, London 2012)
- Sarah Johnsen Where's the ‘faith’ in ‘faith-based’ organisations? The evolution and practice of faithbased homelessness services in the UK’, Journal of Social Policy (2014)
Members Only
Pupil pages:
- 10.1 (p. 31) In what ways do Sikhs put their spirituality into practice? A case study (langar in the street, Northampton)
- 10.2 (p. 32) How far do Christian-founded charities ‘pray with their legs’?
- 10.3 (p. 33) Interpretation sheet: making sense of charity work done in the name of religion
- Article about St Nicholas of Tolentino in Bristol and Borderlands charity, from REtoday 38.3: ‘Teaching justice using local examples in RE’ by Alice Sarbicki
- Interview with Sir Trevor Pears about Jewish philanthropy, from REtoday 39.2: ‘Pray with your feet’