Infographic: data on Buddhists in the UK and beyond

External links

UK numbers

Data from nomis (2011), LC2107EW - Religion by sex by age. Source: Office for National Statistics. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Beyond the UK / Buddhists by regions 2015 / Countries with fastest-growing Buddhist population

Johnson, T.M. and Grim, B.J. (eds.) ‘World Religions Database [2012/2015]’, Brill.

Buddhist buildings in the UK

Tomalin, E. and Starkey, C. (2016), A Survey of Buddhist Buildings in England (Leeds: University of Leeds).

Building Buddhism [website]

Buddhist solicitors in the UK

The Law Society (2015), Diversity in the profession [PDF].

The Law Society (2016), Diversity report [PDF]

Buddhists in the British Armed Forces

Ministry of Defence (2015), Number of UK regular or reservist service personnel with religious affiliation declared as Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Muslim for the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force [PDF]

Silvera, I. and Palumbo, D. (2017), ‘British military receives a 50% surge in number of Buddhist fighters‘, International Business Times

Buddhist civil servants

Office for National Statistics, (2017), Annex A: Sexual orientation and religious beliefs. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

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