Jewish People

This book focuses on what it means to be one of the approximately 280,000 Jewish people in Britain today. We have tried to provide a small insight into the diversity within this community by including information on the attitudes to the Torah held by Orthodox, Reform and secular Jewish people.

The units in this book begin with concrete learning regarding artefacts and their use in Jewish homes, featuring the mezuzah, a charity box and a ketubah (marriage certificate). Being in the community and remembering significant events are incredibly important to many Jewish people, which is one of the reasons that there are multiple festivals celebrated by them. We focus on festivals through two different lenses: a historical lens helps pupils study the ‘foot’ or ‘pilgrimage’ festivals, and for younger pupils we also study the importance of food and its significance in festivals. We see lived religion as we follow how Beth, Evie and Charlie share Shabbat. Finally, we look at the significance of the Torah and how it is treated, with material for 9–11s. The book ends with one of our ever-popular
progression grids.

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