Why do many Sikh people recite the name of God?
External links
- BBC Bitesize clips: Five Key Facts: Sikhism
- BBC My Life, My Religion 'What is Sikhism'
- Real People, Real Faith: How special is your relationship with God? (NATRE)
- The wise man and the bowl of milk from Resource 5.2 told on film (SikhNet)
- Inspiring RE: Sikhs (RE Today 2019)
- 5.4 Mool Mantar
- 5.5 Key vocabulary card sort activity
- 5.5 Answers: key vocabulary card sort with the cards in the correct order
- Inspiring RE Sikhs (RE Today 2019): downloadable sections for members of NATRE and eResources
- PPT: Why do many Sikh people recite the name of God?
- A PDF of the full unit