REtoday Magazine - Autumn 2023
Magazine section: Events and resources
External links:
Item: RE Hubs are up and running
Item: Philosophy of religion resources from the FT
- Free access to for schools and colleges teaching 16-19-year-olds; for teachers and students of philosophy and ethics
Item: Invite MAF's plane into your playground!
Item: BBC expands Early Years RE resources
- New RE/RME and RVE resources for 4- and 5-year-olds from BBC Bitesize Reception
Item: Anti-racist RE: continuing debates and widening resources
Item: Fishchy music celebrating 25 years
Item: Using faith-inspired art
- Westhill Endowment: art collections available for free use in schools and community venues (transport and insurance costs may be incurred)
Item: Global Neighbours assessors needed
- Global Neighbours Scheme, run by Christian Aid in partnership with the Church of England Education office
Item: STARME celebrates first year
- Scottish Teachers of Religious and Moral Education website and monthly newsletter
Item: Educate against Islamophobia
- Educate Against Islamophobia website, with free downloadable materials
Magazine section: Opinion and Insight
External links:
Article: Uniqueness, unity and the power of art (interview with the Singh Twins)
- The Singh Twins website
- 'Jewels from Sikh wisdom: a journey of discovery', website includes some sample pages from the book
- 'Indigo: the colour of India' Art in Motion app (free download)
Article: Making sense of the census
- 2021 Census: Religion in England and Wales (29.11.2022, ONS)
- 'The Nones: who they are and what they believe' report by Hannah Waite (24.11.2022, Theos)
- 'Difference in religion 2011-2021' article on Dr James Holt's website
Article: Can Christianity hold its own within a worldviews paradigm for RE?
- Hansard: Education (Non-religious Philosophical Convictions) Bill (House of Lords, 03.02.2023)
Article: Hoping for world peace
- Library of books and texts at Al Islam website (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)
Article: The Philosphers' Daughters
- The Philosophers' Daughters by Peter Vardy (Darton, Longman & Todd 2023)
Magazine section: Classroom
Members only:
Article: Exploring arguments of a 'genderless Divine': within a Sikh dharmic worldview
- PPT with ideas for the classroom and examples of student work. (Multifaith: presentation refers not only to Sikhi but also Hindu and Christian/biblically-based views)
Article: Digging deep and untangling text: teaching Genesis 1 to Year 7
External links:
Article: Decolonising the curriculum, decolonising RE
Article: What are stories of creation?
- 'What are stories of creation?' resources which inspired the article can be found in Big Questions Big Answers volume 3: Religion and the Environment, ed. Fiona Moss (RE Today, 2021)
Article: Using Hindu scripture: the Vedas and Upanishads
- The Vedas and Upanishads for Children, Roopa Pai (Swift Press 2023)
Article: Dealing with diversity
- Dawn Cox's blog (an RE teacher's views on teaching and education)
Article: The colourful complexity of Paganism in the RE classroom
- Pagans: The Visual Culture of Pagan Myths, Legends and Rituals, Ethan Doyle White (Thames & Hudson 2023)
Article: Keeping it real: diverse identities among the British Jewish community
- Inclusive Judaism, on the Jewish Museum London website: images and resources
- CPD events for teachers offered by the Jewish Museum London
Article: The messiness of understanding
Magazine section: Staffroom
External links:
Article: RE as poetry
Article: NATRE Chair
Article: AREIAC 2023 conference
Article: NASACRE 2023 conference
Magazine section: The big picture
External links:
Article: Wondering in Uzbekistan
- Judging religion: a dialogue for our time, John Holroyd (SilverWood 2019)
Magazine section: Last word
External links:
Article: What is RE?
Magazine section: Professional REflection
External links:
Article: What next for RE?
- After Religious Education
- NATRE resource: Methods of teaching RE (summaries and short films from various authors)
Article: What do we really mean by personal knowledge?
Article: Promoting epistemic literacy
- UNESCO, What you need to know about literacy (last update: 29 June 2023)