Spring 2019 e-Resources
Magazine section: Opinion
External links
Article: Introduction to Shi’a beliefs and practices for GCSE RS – Chris Hewer
The following items are numbered according to the in-text notes of the article.
Members' only
Article: Human rights and gay cake – Peter Tatchell
Article: Big questions, big ideas: what does this mean in RE? – Lat Blaylock
Magazine section: Classroom
External links
Article: Big questions about death and dying – Fiona Moss
- Winston’s Wish family line 0845 2030 405
- The Child Bereavement Trust 01494 440057
Article: Thinking about Easter: using some artefacts
Members' Only
Article: A history of the big idea of atheism – Kate Christopher
Article: Opposites and similars: a 14-word thinking skills structure for assessing conceptual clarity in RE – Lat Blaylock
Magazine section: Instant RE
External links:
Article: StoryStack: a resource using upside-down cups for children to tell Bible stories – Sue Clutterham
Magazine section: Professional REflection
External links:
Article: Encounters, engagement and experience: making RE real for 4–11s – Chris Selway
Article: Research update – Rachael Jackson-Royal
Magazine section: Staffroom
External links
Article: Handling non-religious worldviews in the classroom – Stephen Pett
Magazine section: Events
External links
Article: Events
- RE training bursaries extended
Culham St Gabriel’s Teach: RE course
- Supporting the Commission on RE
Letter templates for focusing on any of these specific areas: National Entitlement, ITE, CPD or accountability
Magazine section: Big Picture
External links
Article: Big question: can you see Jesus in other people? – Theresa Borg