Spring 2021 e-resources

Magazine section: Opinion

External Links:

Article: 'We are all beautiful' - interview with Russell Brand

Article: Don't give up - RE matters! Interview with Samira Ahmed

Article: From the 'educationally subnormal' class to professor of theology - interview with Robert Beckford

Members Only

Article: 'We are all beautiful' - interview with Russell Brand

Magazine section: Classroom

External links:

Article: 10 ways to work with 4-7s on identity and belonging in RE

Article: Identities: same and different, explored through an RE-day experience

Article: The Night of Power - a key moment in Islam

Article: Complex webs of identity in RE

Article: The 'Stop, take a Look & Listen' RE project

Article: Social distance and good learning in RE

Article: The life of Paul Cuffe

Article: Wesley's Manifesto for Change

  • New Room website, including resources and information about Wesley's principles

Article: Beauty in diversity: embedding anti-racist practices through RS

Article: What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain

Article: What use is RE in the lockdown?

Article: Four interviews with transgender Christians

Members Only

Article: What use is RE in the lockdown?

Magazine section: Instant RE

External links:

Article: Edward Colston or John Wesley - who deserved a statue?

Magazine section: Professional REflection - Theory and Practice

External links:

Article: Paradigm shift or shuffling of content?

Article: Religion and Worldviews in practice

Article: RE and community cohesion - what are we looking at?

Article: Reviews

Magazine section: Staffroom

External links:

Article: Inside a Faith

Article: RE audit - 64 things that (can) happen in RE lessons

Magazine section: Events and Resources

External links:

Article: Understanding Christianity - access for community schools and academies across the UK

Article: Promote further study to your examination classes with films of graduates in Theology and RS

Article: Art in Heaven 2020 and 2021

Magazine section: The big picture

Article: The Torah at the British Library - Hebrew manuscripts for good learning

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