Investigating national and global data: Christians in Britain and beyond
External links
- Talking Jesus: research
- Census 2001: Religion in the UK, 2004 Edition (ONS, OGL v.3.0)
- Census 2011 ‘Full story: What does the Census tell us about religion in 2011?’ (ONS, OGL v 3.0)
- Census 2021: Religion in England and Wales (Nov 2022 release)
- Census 2021: Religion by age and sex in England and Wales (January 2023 release)
- YouGov 2020 Christianity study
- YouGov 2020 corresponding article
- Christian beliefs about the resurrection: SavantaComRes poll 2017
- Data from SavantaComRes 2017 survey for BBC News
- 'Resurrection did not occur, say quarter of Christians' BBC New 9 April 2017
- 'One in Four British Christians Say Resurrection of Jesus Didn't Occur: survey' article by Brandon Showalter, The Christian Post 10 April 2017
- Center for the Study of Global Christianity publishes annual updates of figures, eg Status of Global Christianity 2020
- Evangelical Alliance survey 2011: 21st Century Evangelicals
- 1.1 Christians in England and Wales (p. 3 from book)
- 1.2 Global Christians (pp. 4-5 from book)
- 1.3 Evangelical Christians in Britain