Essential data on the Nones in the UK
External links
Sources for data explored in infographics in section 1 of the book:
- Census 2001: Religion in the UK, 2004 Edition (ONS, OGL v.3.0)
- Census 2011 ‘Full story: What does the Census tell us about religion in 2011?’ (ONS, OGL v 3.0)
- Census 2021: Religion in England and Wales (Nov 2022 release)
- Census 2021: Religion by age and sex in England and Wales (January 2023 release)
- The Nones: who are they and what do they believe? Theos, 2022
- European Social Survey 7 (2014) and 8 (2016) reported in Bullivant, S. ‘Europe’s Young Adults and Religion’ (St Mary’s University Twickenham, 2018)
- ADAC 2019 Across Disciplines, Across Cultures: Understanding Unbelief report
- British Social Attitudes - Religion (2019)
- YouGov Death Study 2021
- YouGov Death Study 2021 full data tables
- Faith Matters, 2013 (YouGov/University of Lancaster for Westminster Faith Debates)
- 'The Changing Global Religious Landscape' Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (2017)
- 1.4 Background numbers for resource 1.1 in book: Nones in England and Wales and beyond (2 sheets)
- 1.5 Student survey: religious/non-religious
Members only
Student pages (pp 3-5):