Investigating the data: Sikhs in the UK
External links
- 2021 Census: Sikh identity in England and Wales
- British Sikh Report
- 2018 British Sikh Report
- Report by Jagdev Virdee following the 2021 census (November 2022): Sikhs in England and Wales, Census of Population 2021, England and Wales
- House of Commons, data on Sikhs at work 'Contribution of Sikhs to the UK' debate pack (2019)
- Bar Standards Board: 'Diversity at the Bar 2022', Section 4.5: Religion and belief (NB BSB ask us to point out the relatively high level of 'no information' responses for this section)
- Law Society: 'Equality, diversity and inclusion report 2022'
- National Statistics (ONS): 'UK armed forces biannual diversity statistics, October 2023'
Student pages:
- Investigating the data: Sikhs in the UK (pp 2-3 from book)