Year 3 - How and why do people try to make the world a better place? – L4
This is Lesson 4 from Year 3, Unit 24. In this unit, pupils will find out about how Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and non-religious people try to care for the world. They will consider what motivates people from these worldviews to care for the world, basing their knowledge on scripture and religious teachings. Pupils will consider why the world is not always good and make simple links to religious (e.g Christian, Jewish, Muslim) and non-religious (e.g Humanist) worldviews. They will find out about the Jewish idea of Tikkun Olam and consider how charities like Tzedek help Jewish people to live out ideas and teachings, considering diversity of views. Pupils will have opportunities to raise their own questions about caring for the world and consider the responsibility that everyone must care for the world. This Lesson is part of the RE Today Primary RE Curriculum, accessible only to NATRE Primary School Enhanced members.
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