Year 6 - For Christians what Kind of King is Jesus? L5

This PowerPoint is lesson 5, from Year 6, Unit 41. In this unit, pupils will find out about parables from the Bible and learn that most Christians believe that Jesus told some parables to share what the Kingdom of God
is like and to invite people to join God’s kingdom by letting God rule in their hearts. Pupils will learn about different ways that Christians may interpret these texts, exploring how believers put their beliefs into
practice in a variety of ways, including through worship and service to the community. Pupils will spend time discussing what the parables that Jesus told might mean for Christians today and how they
may have an impact on how Christians live. Pupils will focus on the parable of the great banquet and the parable of the unforgiving servant. Pupils will also find out about ways in which many Christians try to make the world more like God’s Kingdom by challenging unjust social structures in
their local area and around the world. This is a component of the RE Today Primary RE Curriculum, accessible exclusively to NATRE Primary and Cross Phase School Enhanced members.

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