This one-day course will offer a wide range of practical classroom ideas for creative primary RE, drawing on examples from the principal faiths. Suitable for teachers of 4-11s, with many ideas applicable across a range of ages.
This one-day course for all who teach GCSE RS will enable teachers to add imaginative, innovative and exciting learning to the syllabus requirements for GCSE in ways that build up students’ learning skills.
This dynamic and inspiring one-day course is for heads, RE subject leaders and other interested teachers to consider how they can improve pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
This one day course is for RE coordinators and teachers at primary level and includes engaging and practical learning strategies for RE and the units of work. With Guidance on how to use the enquiry model of RE, using key questions the course also covers devising challenging and inspiring enquiries for RE.
This day course will support teachers of A-level RS, providing at least 40 ideas and strategies for helping students make progress in understanding and skills. Many ideas will also be suitable for high achievers taking GCSE.
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